I reached the milestone of 100,000 scrobbles on Last.FM today. Every time a song plays on my hi-fi at home, or on my Spotify account when I am out and about, it gets logged on the service. I love that I have all of this data about my listening habits. It’s fascinating to see all of those song plays displayed graphically and look back on what I’ve been listening to.
Last.FM used to be a big deal back in the day but has faded into semi-obscurity. As my listening habits have moved back towards physical and downloaded media I’ve had to compensate by using different tools to get things logged:
- I buy music from Bandcamp and download the lossless files which I like to listen to on my iPhone. Eavescrob does a great job of logging things played on my iPhone’s native music app (although you have to remember to open it after a listening session).
- Discographic integrates with my physical music collection that I have catalogued in Discogs and lets me log an album play with a swipe.
- I recently discovered Finale which has a myriad of useful features, such as listening to what’s playing around you now, Shazam-style, and logging it for you.
It’ll be interesting to see how quickly I log the next 100,000. Will it take another 12 years?
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