in TV

Jez Hodge, superstar

Jez Hodge in Press GangAt dinner a few weeks back we were talking to my cousin’s boyfriend about his former career as an actor. He happened to mention that as well as being an extra on Eastenders many moons back he also played the character of Kevin in Press Gang. I’m not sure if it was way before my time or not but I didn’t remember the programme…so, after a quick search of the internet I grabbed myself a copy of series two.

So, for your viewing pleasure, here are a few shots of Jez in Press Gang:

If you want to meet Kevin…erm, I mean Jez…he’s the one who is organising the sponsored cycle ride for Cystic Fibrosis so he’ll be there for autographs. If you haven’t signed up already, what more of an incentive do you need to come along? :o)

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  1. Cheers for that pal!!! My 15 minutes of fame shown to all. Oh well if it gets a couple more on the ride then it’ll be worth it!!

    Speak to you soon


  2. Blimey, you know Jez Hodge…this guy is huge in Cyprus. I went out there for a holiday a couple of years back and the crowds just couldn’t get enough of him. Surely he’s due for a return to our living rooms soon!



  • Chloe Catling Cycle Challenge 2006 – Andrew Doran 15 April 2006

    […] Jez, the event organiser, had a problem when his tyre burst on the first mile so we all scooted past him while his friends hunted around for a bike shop that was open early on a Saturday morning. The rest of the ride was pretty much problem free. Jez had roped in a number of friends and family to help with registration, signage, marshalling along the course etc and they all contributed loads to a making it a really enjoyable event. It was great to get out and about; I’m tempted to try some more charity rides this summer – watch this space. […]

  • Apple crumble 15 April 2006

    Chloe Catling Cycle Challenge 2006

    A few weekends back my wife, my dad, and a few uncles and cousins of mine all took part in the Chloe Catling Cycle Challenge to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust on behalf of Chloe Catling, a relative…