So, for your viewing pleasure, here are a few shots of Jez in Press Gang:
- Jez and Dexter Fletcher
- Jez takes a picture
- Jez arrives at the train station looking for Suggs
- Jez waits for Suggs
- Jez lets everyone know what the plan is (probably)
- Jez touches base with the Press Gang team
If you want to meet Kevin…erm, I mean Jez…he’s the one who is organising the sponsored cycle ride for Cystic Fibrosis so he’ll be there for autographs. If you haven’t signed up already, what more of an incentive do you need to come along? :o)
Cheers for that pal!!! My 15 minutes of fame shown to all. Oh well if it gets a couple more on the ride then it’ll be worth it!!
Speak to you soon
Blimey, you know Jez Hodge…this guy is huge in Cyprus. I went out there for a holiday a couple of years back and the crowds just couldn’t get enough of him. Surely he’s due for a return to our living rooms soon!
I remember Press Gang. I’d love to see it again. Wasn’t Saffy from Ab Fab in it too?