There are 33 posts filed in Misc (this is page 2 of 2).
B&T Interiors
England +1 Scotland +0
Crush those bottles!
The Ross Gazette
This publication is legendary among people from Ross and I had heard many things about previous headlines such as ‘Riot!’ when a handful of sixth-formers gathered by the river with a stereo and a bottle of Strongbow, but I didn’t quite believe it. That is, until I saw the 2 September issue. The article on the right completely cracked me up – imagine the look on the policeman’s face when he heard the tale of the canoe-bound umbrella thieves. Classic.
The cream of the crop, though, was to be found on page 11. ‘The Lea Show Results of the Fruit and Vegetable Show – 2004‘ was something else. Imagine being the winner of the ‘arrangement incorporating a kitchen utensil’ category! Marion Martin and Sarah Williams, I salute you!
To combat this, I recently installed the excellent MT-Blacklist plugin, which gives you the features that MT should have had in the first place. However, MT-Blacklist is frighteningly easy to use and unfortunately I have tonight deleted the last 20 legitimate comments made on the blog.
All I can say is that I am sincerely sorry to any of you that have contributed your thoughts here. Hopefully this will be a lesson learned and I will be much more careful in future – please don’t be put off!
Rolling sheep
Happy birthday to me
Body pump
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Shopping bags
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Test image post from Pocket SharpMT
Test post from Pocket SharpMT
My weblog – welcome!
I’m starting this blog as I feel that I need somewhere to speak my mind, somewhere to comment constructively on things that are going on instead of ranting at people on a television screen, somewhere to post the odd photo or two and somewhere to link to all of the wonderful websites that seem to come my way.
My friend Mat is also starting a blog so it’ll be interesting to hear his take on things, especially after a fun night out with our friends.
Looking forward to updating the blog!