I’ve made a couple of changes to the sidebar. The allconsuming.net details have disappeared as the guy who runs it lost all of his site after a hacker attacked – the method of managing what you are currently reading seemed to disappear when the redesigned site came back online. In it’s place is a Flickr badge which should show some of the photos I’ve uploaded. I’ve just started using Flickr and don’t know what to make of it yet – I’ve been wanting to add a photo section to this website for some time and this may be the best way to do it.
I’ve also added a couple of buttons that link to the three syndication feeds. If you’re looking to read my full postings in whatever feed reader you use, choose the Atom feed (if it’s compatible) – I haven’t worked out how to get anything but excerpts in the others yet.
Hopefully I’ll get time soon to make the category pages etc look a little prettier than they do!
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